Packaging – folding cartons with unique effects

More than just packaging

Print enhancement not only makes packaging look more interesting and attractive but also conveys a higher quality. It captures the viewer's attention and prolongs viewing time, significantly increasing the motivation to buy the product.


Master embellishments professionally 

The demands of the market on packaging producers are diverse.

Steinemann DPE's digital print enhancement solutions provide answers to these challenges:

  • Fast changeover times for ever-smaller lot sizes
  • Profitable production of small and medium-sized repeat orders, avoiding high inventory costs for on-demand orders
  • Extremely fast availability of the finished packaging to the brand owner through quicker turnaround times from design, printing, embelishment to delivery
  • Highest flexibility in implementing brand owner's trends and design requirements on the packaging, including last-minute changes during production


Our digital sheet-fed press offers digital spot and relief varnishing combined with digital metallization – for maximum efficiency.
How this is possible? 

DM-Maxliner 2D

Achieve flat, digital metallization effects with our compact, B3-format digital sheet-fed press for maximum substrate versatility.

Steinemann DPE single source system solutions

Steinemann DPE, together with Leonhard KURZ, offers outstanding, high-quality system solutions for industrial, digital metallization and digital varnishing.

From the machine to the transfer metallization to the ink, we offer you all components from a single source – perfectly matched to each other.